Next step in the instructions: dissasemble all these parts. Going to be lots of this try fitting as I proceed.
Time: 4 hours
This blog is a construction log of my Van's RV-9 that I am building. N990MC is the reserved N Number with the FAA. Under no circumstances should you rely on this blog as guidance for your own project.
Designed a CAD version of HS-908 to have eMachineShop mill the parts. Discovered that while qtys of 25 worked out to just under $20 each, ordering just one costs $184. No way that's affordable, so I ordered new angle aluminum from Van's. Will be here by the time that I return from my business trip to NYC on Thursday.
1.5 hours
Deburred and removed gummed labels from nose and regular ribs for the stabilzer.
2 hours
Picked up $560 worth of clecos and tools from a local builder, who was selling off what was left after he built a RV-7. Collection included several hundred clecos, some more yokes for the pneumatic squeezer, etc.
1 hour
Clecoed the rear HS spar together, with a splice plate in the middle. Yikes, this puppy is about 8 feet long, and my work table is only 5 feet long. Going to have to build a second table -- yuk, more stuff in the garage...
Decided that HS-908 needs a fresh start.
1 hour
Worked on HS-908, bought a benchtop belt sander at Harbor Freight. The edges are not as perfect as I'd like (few irregularities, and I want CNC results).
2 Hours